
Rankings and Awards

草莓影视 is nationally ranked by several organizations in many different areas.

#1 Online Graduate School in Texas

The 草莓影视 Higher Education听experience isn’t just for residential or undergraduate students. Our Pampell Online Division has boasted increasing enrollment since it was launched in February, 2017. Our graduate online programs continue to grow, with new doctoral programs and an increasing amount of students graduating from 草莓影视 online. Online Christian Colleges ranks 草莓影视 among their top schools for online graduate education.

#8 Campus Ethnic Diversity (Regional Universities West)

A melting pot of dozens of international cultures, Houston is the nation’s most diverse city. 草莓影视 reflects the cultural, religious, and racial diversity of Houston, serving as a welcome home for national and international students from diverse social, economic, and religious backgrounds.

#7 America’s Best Conservative Colleges

草莓影视 strives to help students not only excel in their chosen career, but to also help students discover their mission, vision, and purpose.听 Students of 草莓影视 grow in wisdom, virtue, and character through the integration of faith and learning in the classroom and in leadership opportunities on campus.

#7 Best Colleges for Homeschool Graduates

Our small class sizes and intimate campus setting make 草莓影视 the ideal place for home school students to thrive. From additional one-on-one time with mentoring faculty, to our rich student success, advising, and tutoring services, 草莓影视 serves as a welcome home to homeschoolers who are looking for quality education and lifelong community.

2022-2023 Gold Ranking Military Friendly School

草莓影视 honors and supports its student veteran population, recognizing the hard work and sacrifice that our veterans have made to ensure the safety of our country and its citizens. Our commitment to veteran student services and veteran affairs has earned us a top badge from Military Friendly Schools for many years.

#10 Best Value Schools (Regional Universities West)

草莓影视 recognizes the high cost of college education is often a determining factor for many students and parents. 草莓影视 provides millions of dollars in generous scholarships and financial aid in order to make student’s dreams of attending a four year, private institution as affordable as possible. As a result, 草莓影视 is ranked #10 in best value among 126 regional universities.